Wolfpack Information Risk


Tailored Awareness Programmes

Wolfpack provides a full awareness programme capability, an excellent way to educate your staff and keep organisational Information security requirements fresh in their minds.

The idea behind the campaign is to motivate people to take information security seriously and to understand how to report a weakness or actual incident. Our monthly management and support ensures the awareness programme maintains momentum and constantly achieves the agreed milestones.

cyber awareness

Employee Testing

  • Cybersecurity Awareness Skills Assessment

    A cybersecurity awareness assessment will enable an organisation to understand the level of cybersecurity awareness knowledge employees possess. This will serve as the foundation of the awareness programme and outline what employees believe they understand.

  • Phishing Assessment

    Wolfpack can create various phishing scenarios based on the client’s requirements. Various factors may be customised, such as difficulty levels, attack scenarios, target group specification, content specification, whitelisting, distribution dates, distribution duration and delivery medium. A comprehensive, detailed, and informative report is provided to help you make the right strategic decisions about your security strategy as a whole.

Professional Content

Wolfpack maintains a range of professional standard content that is created in-house by our creative department. Our content is engaging and realistic. Each topic comes with supporting material (based on the selected package) that is branded according to your corporate identity guidelines to further drive the message home.

Management & Rollout

Content, Guides & Kits

Tools & Services

Cyber Wellness Workshops

Wolfpack provides interactive cyber wellness workshops for your team to empower them to protect themselves and their families. The range of content is based on actual cybercrime cases and demonstrates how to identify the particular threat and common tactics utilised and how to respond if they fall victim to the threat actor.

Year 1 Topics

Year 2 Topics

Awareness Management Platform (AMP)

The AMP learning management system (LMS) is used to deliver training and assessments to large teams in an organisation of individuals across all departments and geographical locations.

cyber awareness

Virtual Reality Training

Our virtual reality cybersecurity awareness experience places team members in realistic cyber risk scenarios that offer a more profound way of delivering business-critical cyber training.

VR allows a typically static topic to become an interactive experience offering a more natural and memorable way to learn and experiment, that can increase the participation, attention, and enjoyment of the learners.

Virtual Reality Training
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