Wolfpack Information Risk provides specialist information and cyber threat consulting, training, awareness and incident support services to African governments and organisations.
Mission: We are passionate defenders of communities, companies, and countries against cyber threats.
Vision: Wolfpack will be the catalyst that drives the greatest positive cybersecurity impact on the African continent.

Greetings Cyberwolves
South Africans recently enjoyed their rich cultural tapestry and diverse history on
Heritage Day.
Just as we cherish and pass down the stories, languages, and customs that define our cultural identity, we must also protect the digital assets that underpin our modern lives and honour the importance of preserving our tangible traditions and our intangible digital heritage.
Our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology and connectivity, and staying one step ahead of cyber threats has never been more critical. Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving battleground, and leaving a cyber-savvy heritage is the legacy we must leave for future generations.
At Wolfpack, we will continue to explore the intersection of cybersecurity and the values that define us as a nation, from the importance of privacy in the digital age to the role of technology in preserving cultural heritage. We are dedicated to empowering you with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complex world of cybersecurity.
We stand by our mission to safeguard your digital legacy. Our cybersecurity experts are here to guide you through the latest security solutions, best practices, and personalised strategies tailored to your unique needs. We invite you to join us in taking proactive steps to fortify your cybersecurity measures. After all, the strength of our digital heritage is a testament to our commitment to a secure and connected future.
With Heritage Day just behind us, let us extend that spirit of unity to our digital realm and celebrate our commitment to securing our digital heritage for future generations. Together, we can build a safer, more resilient digital future.
Thank you for entrusting Wolfpack with your cybersecurity needs. We look forward to embarking on this journey to safeguard our digital legacies and fortify your digital heritage.
Yours Securely
We would like to invite you to register for the Information Security Programme Management Webinar, on the 19th of October 2023, from 09:00-10:00.
This webinar will focus on the results of the 8th Chapter of the SA Information Security Thermometer Research. We will discuss Information Security Programme Management including the main challenges hindering running an effective IS programme.
Our host, Craig Rosewarne, will be joined by experts from Veeam as they explore this topic!

The alleged breach by hacking group SNATCH raises deep concerns about the current state of the SANDF’s network security, and possible compromises of ongoing operations on the continent.
The incidence of spyware attacks has shown a significant surge of over 20% within South Africa concerning 2023. The majority of these reported attacks have been concentrated on governmental websites and systems, thereby potentially engendering substantial instability to the national security framework of South Africa.
The Kruger National Park (KNP) has reported that implementing technology has significantly reduced the frequency of rhino poaching incidents within the park. As the world marked World Rhino Day last week Friday, statistics have provided encouraging signs.

The Adventures of CISO Ed & Co attempts to highlight the everyday frustrations, heroism, and insights of CISOs and infosec teams while bringing some fun to the serious business of cybersecurity. We hope CISO Ed & Co. brings a grin as you go about your day. Compliments of Balbix
Here are a few tips to help you protect against malware.
#protectioninthepack #malware #springintoaction


Every year, AFFT’s December deliveries are extra special. They contain presents, extra food to get the family through the school holidays, and special treats. You can bless a family by buying a present for a child – or contributing special treats to our boxes.
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